Thank God for good beer!

Beer is a gift from God, given for his glory and our joy — and we should thank him for it.

Brewteronomy (rhymes with ‘Deuteronomy’) is a Christian celebration of craft beer. By connecting the unique pleasures of beer to the Giver of all good things, we aim to encourage Christians to reflect more deeply about their faith and, through their beer, to taste and see more clearly the goodness of God.

Look for the book, Cheers & Amen: Thank God for Good Beer, to arrive sometime in 2024. In the meantime, follow along, share our stuff, tell your friends, and drink up.


“A peculiarly Christian approach to drinking beer should begin not with the moral neutrality of consuming alcohol but with the goodness of beer. It’s not a negative argument (beer is not bad) or a neutral one (beer is permissible) but a positive one: Beer is good.”

—from Cheers & Amen
(forthcoming 2024)

Download a PDF of “A Liturgy for Drinking Beer,” from Cheers & Amen. Written in the style of Douglas McKelvey’s Every Moment Holy, this liturgy is perfect for praising God at your next drinking session.

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Coming Soon:
Cheers & Amen

Look for the book, Cheers & Amen: Thank God for Good Beer, to release in 2024! Sign up to be notified when it comes out:

The best way — the only proper way — to enjoy beer is to be thankful to God for it. It follows that Christians should be the best drinkers.

—from Cheers & Amen
(forthcoming 2024)

Meet the barkeep

My name is Josh Bishop, and I’m a Christian who likes to think about God and drink craft beer — often at the same time.

I’m a professional writer with more than 15 years of experience as a content manager, writer, and editor for higher education, communication firms, production houses, magazine and book publishers, and digital media outlets. I currently manage web content and write for a private, Christian liberal arts college in West Michigan. 

I hold an MFA in creative writing from New Saint Andrews College.

Find my other writing online at or follow me on X @joshbishop.